The Zoran’s Chosen


When Lily accepted a job at Onyx, she didn't think she'd be looking at a hot, naked Zoran warrior floating in a tank of water on her first day. She is supposed to run tests on this prisoner, but there's simply no way Lily will go along with that. Instead, she releases him. And that is when the real trouble starts..

After months of imprisonment, Marcas finally has a taste of freedom. Next order of business: Tasting that curvy, dark-haired human, the one with the big brown eyes and a body made for a Zoran warrior..

Also in this series:



Dusan must choose: His squad or his mate. 

Cindy Knox needs a break. The shapely blonde saved the galaxy with Michelle and Novak’s help, and now the intergalactic paparazzi won’t leave her alone. She never asked for this fame, and does her best to flee from the spotlight. While looking for some peace of mind her ship’s engine dies, and she finds herself stranded in space, millions of miles from home. Cindy’s oxygen supply is running low, and time is running out. 

There is only one ship that can help her, but it belongs to the Zoran Special Forces. These battle-hardened warriors are on a top-secret mission, and rescuing a dame in distress is not part of their plan… 

Dusan is piloting the Zoran ship when he receives Cindy’s distress call. The seven-foot tall warrior can’t ignore the blonde’s pleas for help — even though it means violating a direct order. The moment he lays his eyes on her, the warrior feels the primal urge to protect her.

The elite soldier endangers his mission and his entire career by picking up the stranded human — according to his superiors. 

Will the alien warrior choose love over duty?

Also in this series:

Claimed by the Dragons


Three Xhakan Dragons. Her soul bound to all three. Oh boy.

Drusilla is a survivor. Her driving force? Revenge.

Revenge on her father, the Djall King, who abandoned her and her human mother. Who left her mother to die.

The one problem? Valkronis, the homeworld to both the horned Djall and the impressive Xhakan warriors, is on the other side of the universe.

It’s unreachable — until she meets three gorgeous Xhakan princes.

Kolos, Ragnar, Aksel.

Ragnar’s sister Emla has been kidnapped by the Djall King, and the only way to get her back is with a trade.

His mate for his sister.

An impossible choice to make. He turns to the Celestial Mates Dating Agency, and that’s when Drusilla makes her move. All she has to do is hack the system, match herself up with the Xhakan warrior, pretend to bond with him, and she’ll have her ticket to the Djall King’s doorstep.

Her plan works. A bit too well, in fact. The Celestial Mates select her, but not just for Ragnar. No, they say she’s a soul-match for all three Xhakans.

And ‘pretending’ soon gives way to white-hot desire, as she discovers how absolutely perfect the three gorgeous Xhakan warriors are.

Will she be able to forget about her plans of revenge and surrender her heart to the three Xhakan Dragons? Will the Xhakans be able to free Emla without having to surrender their mate?

Or will the Djall King destroy all they hold dear?

Also in this series:



Mia’s new partner? An arrogant, cocky, seven-feet-tall alien warrior.

Mia Frost prides herself on her work ethic. There’s not a single detective in the entire New Atlanta Police Department who works harder than the curvy redhead. Ever since her little sister disappeared without a trace, she’s poured every waking minute into her job.

When a young girl with a striking resemblance to her lost sister disappears on an alien space station, Mia is called upon to bring her back home. She’ll do anything to save this girl’s life. Even if it means working alongside the most arrogant, cockiest Zoran she has ever met. 

Zivan is an imposingly tall, broad-shouldered Zoran warrior who upholds the law on the Observer. The growly alien is instantly attracted to the human detective, but to his bewilderment she resists his every advance. This doesn’t deter the muscular cop in the slightest — he’ll do anything to make Mia his. 

When they find a lead on the missing girl, they soon realize that this goes way deeper than they could have guessed. When they’re forced to run for their lives, they only have each other to rely on…

Also in this series:

Claimed by the Zoran


The Mating Star draws closer.

Leah’s dreams have been rather steamy as of late. Every night an alpha Zoran warrior makes her see stars.

During the day she cares for the Luba herds on Garna as part of the Galactic Aid Corps, but all she really looks forward to are the hot and heavy nights. The connection feels almost real.

Davor is a Zoran warrior of the Sacred Order who is haunted by his dreams as well — a curvy human female visits him every night. His Chosen. Every day he spends without her is one spent in agony. His well-trained body yearns for her.

And then a sinister megacorporation invades Garna.

Can Davor save his fated mate before the megacorps discover her hidden powers? 

Claimed by the Zoran is the second book in the Zoran’s Chosen series. It can be read as a complete standalone. No cheating, happy ending guaranteed!

Also in this series:



The fate of the entire universe depends on me working alongside Vukan, a dominant alien general. 

The only problem? I hate him and everything he stands for. 

I don’t take orders from any man — and certainly not some alien general. I don’t care that he’s a seven-foot-tall, deadly warrior with a body to die for.

When I tell him as much in front of his whole squad of warriors, he vows to make me pay for my insolence. “Obedience training,” he calls it.

He can spank as much as he likes, but I’m not going to change my mind. No matter how good it feels when he disciplines me…

Also in this series:

Rescued by the Zoran


Corlis Space Station is not what Caia Mercier expected it to be. Behind the glitzy veneer lies a darkness... and as an officer of the law, it's her job to clean it up. 

And it's one hell of a tough job. Her colleagues don't respect her, and the matchmaker-bot her overbearing parents forced on her keeps setting her up with alien weirdos. 

Romance is the last thing on her mind. 
And then she meets him. 

Leto. A seven foot tall Zoran warrior. Fearsome, wild, dangerous. 

The ripped alien warrior is looking for his missing friend, and he won't stop until he's turned Corlis upside down. Leto decides the curvy human female is going to help him - whether she likes it or not. 

The way the dominant alien looks at Caia makes her all hot and bothered. She does her very best to stay professional... but she is only human. 

As they work the case, they realize that this goes much, much deeper than a single missing person. The fate of the entire galaxy is at stake. 

Can they solve the mystery before it's too late?

Also in this series: